Collaborating GEO-BENE partners: SSCRI, BOKU, IIASA
EPIC is a bio-physichemcial process model and requires data on weather, soil, topography as well as land use and crop management. These type of data need to be available for global analysis. There are basically to types of data, (i) geo-spatial data and (ii) non-spatial data. The spatial data usually is available in different resolutions and non-spatial data often refer to country statistics. In building such database, we have to (i) review and collect the data, (ii) process and harmonize the data, (iii) fill the data gaps and the EPIC data requirements, and (iv) store the data in a relational database.
Topographical data:
* GTOPO30 (data authority USDA EROS),
* SRTM (data authority NASA),
Soil data:
* DSMW (data authority FAO),
* WISE (data authority ISRIC),
Weather/Climate data:
* East Anglia climate data from 1901-2002 (Tyndall),
* 18 climate change scenario data for 2001-2100 (Tyndall),
* ECMWF weather variation data
Land cover/use data:
* GLC2000 (data authority EC-JRC),
* GLU (data authority IFPRI),
administrative units data:
* GAUL (data authority EC, FAO),
crop management data:
* literature review (irrigation map, fertilization map, etc.)
Relational databases.
The data has been collected, processed, harmonized, completed and stored
Figure 1:The global EPIC database logic: an overview