IIASA/GEO-BENE side event (26 August 2008) at the UNFCC Climate Talks in Accra/Ghana, 21-27 August
REDD for ecosystem values
Tuesday, 26 Aug 2008 13:00-15:00:
CCTV - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Florian Kraxner (kraxner@iiasa.ac.at) +43 22 3680 7233
REDD will not only contribute to mitigate climate change but also might emerge as a major tool to
conserve ecosystem value. In the side event we explore new ways on how to build in 'ecosystem services'
to the carbon economy. In fact, forests are important refuges for terrestrial biodiversity and a source of
ecosystem services essential to human wellbeing. They provide the habitats for between 50 to 90% of the
world's known terrestrial plants and animals, are the source of three quarters of the worlds accessible
freshwater, provide timber and non timber products essential in the economic life of hundreds of millions
of people (Byron 1997), and play important cultural, spiritual and recreational roles in many societies.
This broad societal dependence on forests, as well as intimate reliance of 300 million people (mostly
poor) for their subsistence and survival, has been recognized through several recent UN conventions
(UNFCCC, CBD, CCD and United Nations Forum on Forests). Understanding that biodiversity,
ecosystem services and the opportunity costs of avoided deforestation are not distributed evenly across the
forests of the world, we will provide a new understanding whether there are areas where one might get
biggest ecosystem service bang for one's avoided deforestation buck. In the search of these global priority
areas for avoided deforestation we find that high ecosystem values tend to coincide with areas of low cost
avoided deforestation activities highlighting potential cobenefits of avoided deforestation policies. These
are broad brush global findings prompting the question if it would be possible to increase the level of co
benefits even further in actual implementation. In order to increase the precision of carbon policy
instruments with respect to ecosystem services provision it will be necessary to map with higher precision
and more compressively the ecosystems per se and agree on the international political level how to
quantify ecosystem services such that they could be incorporated into an avoided deforestation
mechanism. Such mechanisms could range from introducing a minimum ecosystem service level to
participate in a trading mechanism all the way to auctioning of fixed price avoided deforestation credits
based on maximum ecosystem service provision. In the side event we will provide details on various
implementation mechanisms and policy instruments including costing of the associated
REDD observation systems.
- IIASA SideEvent at UNFCCC Talks in Accra
Media Advisory: "Scientists prove paying to spare tropical forests
offers cost effective way to cut greenhouse gases"
For additional information you can also have a look at