Project Title: The seasonality in type 1 childhood diabetes incidence worldwide.
Collaborating GEO-BENE partners: KTL, Finland (leader)
The seasonality in diabetes incidence is a well-known and widely researched phenomena. However, most studies focus on a single period in a single geographical region. The worldwide Diabetes Mondiale (DIAMOND) project has collected incidence data on type 1 childhood diabetes from all over the world for the period 1990-1999. Such a wide spatio-temporal window may allow to get a better view of geographic aspect of seasonality.
Monthly diabetes incidence data from 105 DiaMond centers for children under 15 years of age for the period 1991-2000, and the corresponding census data.
Bayesian statistical time-series modelling: Poisson regression with a possible autoregressive component included.
Under analysis. The preliminary results are to be ready in February 2008.